Find out about our RSMA Mentoring Scheme
In 2023, the
RSMA introduced a mentoring programme…
…pairing 73 final year RSM students (across ESE and Materials) with 10 dedicated mentors from the alumni community. The RSMA is pleased to announce that the scheme is returning in 2024, taking on board valuable feedback from participants
to streamline the offering.
The scheme is envisioned to act as a supplement to existing mentoring initiatives by ICL, with mentoring able to take both a more structured annual cadence as well as acting as a drop in service whereby students can select from a pool
of interested mentors for mentorship/advice for specific queries.
The RSMA aims for this scheme to help RSMU students tap into the wealth of experience available within the RSMA community. Students have previously received advice and guidance on CV writing, interview techniques, and career advice.
More information
- For a general overview – Induction Guide
- Detailed guidelines can be found in the – Code Of Conduct
- For a visual guide on the steps to Mentoring see – Process Workflow
- Please find a list of anonymised mentor profiles here.. If any look of interest to you, please contact with your choice and you’ll be put in touch with them.
- For data protection and GDPR refer to the – ICL GDPR guidelines and RSMA Data Protection Statement (NOTE: All participants, be it students or mentors, are expected to adhere to these guidelines).