In June 2015 the Trust Board agreed to establish a new prize, somewhat akin to the Peter Harding award but for younger alumni. It is intended that the award be made at the Association’s annual dinner in November.
The Award is called The Professor Rees Rawlings Award after Professor Rees Rawlings, Dean of the RSM 1995 to 1998, Acting Head of Department of Earth Resources Engineering 1996 to 1998, Pro Rector (Education) 1999 to 2007, Emeritus Professor of Materials Science 2007 to date and all round good bloke!
The prize is a working replica model miners’ lamp suitably engraved and is awarded to celebrate an individual’s commitment to the RSM, Faculty of Engineering, or Imperial communities. The award may be granted annually to someone under the age of 40 years, who has demonstrated the necessary qualities and contribution.
PRESENTATION: The award will be presented at the annual dinner of The Royal School of Mines Association.
The prize has been awarded to:
2015 John Sykes
2016 Leah Glass
2017 Daniel Hill
2018 Eleanor Jay
2019 Hannah Bungey
2020 Not awarded
2021 Not awarded
2022 Not awarded
Suggestions for the Rees Rawlings Award should be made by the end of March to